Diesel electric

Diesel-electric systems combine efficiency and environmental considerations by using diesel generators in conjunction with electric motors.

Reduces fuel consumption, noise and emissions, while improving maneuverability. Diesel-electric solutions can include both parallel and series hybrids, with the latter allowing zero-emission operation in sensitive areas such as ports. The systems are adapted to each individual application and can integrate batteries for optimal performance. Diesel-electric solutions provide flexibility and high operational reliability, ideal for modern ship operation.


Optimaliser driftskostnader og vedlikehold med miljøvennlig og effektiv fremdrift

Diesel-electric solutions combine diesel generators with electric motors to ensure energy-efficient and environmentally friendly propulsion. This reduces both fuel consumption and emissions, while minimizing noise and vibrations. The system is ideal for vessels operating in areas with strict emission requirements, such as ports and coastal waters.


Diesel Elektrisk Diagram
Ikon Automasjon

Scalable technology for different needs

The technology is adapted to both small and large vessels, with options including parallel and series hybrid configurations. Series hybrid allows for full electric operation, perfect for zero emission operations. This provides flexibility and high performance under varying operating conditions.


Complete system integration

The solutions include key components such as electric motors, inverters and the possibility of battery integration. This ensures seamless operation and optimal utilization of energy. The result is a reliable and forward-looking system that meets both current and future requirements in shipping.

Icon Cross System Functionalities


Drawing of a fishing boat