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Please welcome our new project manager Seán Mac An Bháird!

With an education as a marine engineer and experience from the maritime industry, Seán adds significant value to the growing team at Marine Hybrid Solutions.

But don't be fooled by his technical background! Seán is also a creative person with a range of artistic skills. We look forward to working with Seán and benefiting from his technical maritime expertise and creative talents.

Profile picture of Seán Mac An Bháird

Further Reading

Thomas Scholz

Interview with Baumüller

Read our interview with Baumüller, a leader in electric automation and drive systems. With around 2,000 employees worldwide, they develop intelligent solutions for machine manufacturing and e-mobility, including maritime applications.

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Portrett av ansatte

Intervju med våre ansatte

Vi i Marine Hybrid Solutions (MHS) har gleden av å dele et intervju med våre ansatte. Hva motiverer dem? Hvordan opplever de arbeidshverdagen? Er MHS så fleksible og innovative som vi påstår å være?

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